This site will post comments on the work in progress: "Devolving America: Elves, Forest Defenders and Options for Change
Climatic Scene -- Hazel - and Sasha
Published on April 17, 2004 By Real Ecotopia In Religion
Aire pulled on Taryn’s jacket sleeve, as they saw the first two ships coming out of the fog.
She looked up at him, his weary face hanging there and determined to see the day through to safety.
She said :
“ People are chanting for calm and unity. Everywhere people stand up for an end to the old ways and a fresh beginning. Even up at the prison in Pelica Point, people spontaneously disarmed the prison guards and freed the inmates. Some were assigned to guard the blown-up bridges, while the more organized groups joined the march on the coast guard station where the Military Command is based. We’ve no recent reports on the outcome, though the initial message claimed heavy losses on both sides and heavy smoke.”

Aire shrugged as if it didn’t concern him, but his furrowed brow suggested otherwise. She didn’t know that his son had been incarcerated there for a year for a sabotage strike that went wrong.
He asked : “Any word on the frog squad ?”

Taryn shook her head , no. Then she returned to her efforts to reach someone, anyone on their only functioning radio. But no one answered, just the same buzzing static. She reached into her jacket pocket, looking for the frequency list, and found the apple she had brought for Aire. She began to hand it to him when a feeling of hungry Bears passed by. Bears preparing for the Winter, territorial instincts, and compassion shifting from here and now to cold, snowy thoughts. Safety, in the cave, and conservation, frugality.

Aire took the offered fruit, and they both glimpsed the vision’s shinny veneer ... and almost something behind it struggling, but unafraid : Three White Horses ...
riders in the waves and rainbow flames rising ... an eye of stone, tear drops ... lips inside the eye spreading
Taryn asked : “ Are all lies illusion, is illusion always bad ?”

The radio crackled : “ zzzwwiit ... krrriik a ... F..ogs, clear ... charlie Z ... out Tomahawk 66’er ... bzzzwut ... ttt ... Frogs clear ...””
“ Shit it quit working again.”

-- Brione dreamed again. The words mixing with the stories that she replayed over and over again…

I had to go somewhere powerful, where ever the need was greatest. So that, however little I did, it would mean that much more and ripples would spread wide and swift. One people, one spirit, one land ... one love.
When some ignorant twit calls us terrorists, and the media deals that slop out as newsworthy, I just laugh. I laugh at the absurd comedy of a species that calls itself the pinnacle of God’s creation - his image. I laugh at the meaningless, shallow ëeducation,’ of the loving ( ? ) moderates, the stary-eyed liberals ... the professors and their mad assumptions. I laugh at myself !
How they could get away with such a load of backwards thinking. And how could so many swallow such jagged stupidity ? A self-programming mantra of bread, circuses, and crippled awareness . Radical change or what ?
Radical change is the only peaceful way, ought (! ) to be bloody obvious.
Its real change or real violence we all got to wake up to ... sooner or never.
So, call us Terra--ists, if you must, but at least identify boldly, those ëother’ Greed Terror ñ istas, who hold the real power and this planet hostage.

Snake melted away, through its fangs, and into Sasha’s stricken shell. He didn’t care anymore -- no care for failure. He only wanted to share the burdens and -- He felt friends there as he struggled again to pull the heavens down closer around them. He pictured what had to be. Earth reached upward too. The Edge trembled, both resisting and seeking to fulfill the wish of command. Eald said its final prayers: a commitment to the Sending, irregardless of the outcome.
Memories swirled through his chaotic thoughts, wishes for the Air people, and the free spirits of mystery. That they find community and partnership with the good people of the Earth and all the hard working simple folk who wished for direction ... a way opening, toward a lasting peace.
A mass of Shadows surrounded Nebya as his kin sought protection. Spells split and unraveled, as Anaya’s trap dissolved. The Nebyakin broke free. Wishes moved again.

Nebya’s furious words shook the world:
“ Goddess you can not stand in the way of Prophesy; you are undone !”
Lorien laughed confidently, as short wings glided sure and swift toward the Shadow. Her voice carried the trill-song of meadowlarks and Mockingbird’s enthusiasm. A song striving to outdo itself and the Shadow’s tremors, diminished.
Sasha’s lips moved slowly: “I am the Prophesy and I make the rules -- Nothing can stand before the Savior who “rules the rules” with Fate on his side. For he shall choose the instrument of the magic.”
Hazel’s steady voice arrived, crashing through the shadow fragments that littered the clearing before the Altar of Earth. The great Bear rose up on its
hind legs. Arms reached high over Sasha’s prone body. Protection and linked sacrifice strove outward, as intense pressure countered and weighed down, severely. Chaos questioned their right to exist. Cracks splintered with the forces. Rock, crushing with heat and friction. Gravity altered, as Fate compressed all of Darnovoi into a single grain.

Triplicates of Hazel’s conjured up Eu symbols, streamed out of Bear's roaring blast.
Her words carried out on that sound : “ Fiero, Erol, Azul ... Eider Yanesh !”

Shadow crossed the gap, as Bear tried to break free of the awful pressure.
One hairy paw almost touched the Altar when Shadow’s challenge struck:
“I claim the Savior and the Portal for the Bargain.”

Sorcery combined with Magic, while Shadow coiled snake-like around the two.
Pressure subsided suddenly, and, in a blink, the light around them changed ñ kind of like your ears popping. Charged patterns struck the ground. The Innocent Meek, and the Forbidden became one with Elven Lore. Shadow cringed as impossibility hammered down at them. A flat dimensioned sky split apart, and the clouds rushed together with forced realignment. Anticipation. ripened as the ground shook ominously. Violent urges flashed out of that crack making hairs and nerves stand on end. Three great lightning bolts cracked down on them. Owl’s wings spread wide. Cinders tumbled into the blasted, gaping hole where Snake, Bear, and Sasha had once stood ...

Trinities revolved as the third critical mass of the Volkentrough spread through
the people and changed the world. The edge of light and dark vanished. The lock clicked ... a single doorway opened.
The great stone slab, groaned and grated as it tumbled into the pit and became the Earth. They stood suspended in that shrinking space. A new pressure came at them: Time. It held, but it threatened. Existence faced abandon, as that intersection began to disintegrate. The Edge of Sky and Earth ñ of Eald and “Make-Believe” -- the Edge of Obsession and the Gray Space - the Edge of Youth’s Burning Rage to do something and be free of the Edge of their Elder’s Insanity ... Revenge sought a way out.
Hazel’s Owl eyes held the distance between her and the bale-full glare of Sage’s Wolf eyes. Peering down into that hole across the void, they were across from each other and yet they were down below too. The void sucked with a howling warning. Time tore at its meaning, but could not separate.
Below they saw themselves at two points of the compass and the Elementals: Madrone and Bri, manifest the North and South. Violet, Blue and White flames licked up from the deep and they were walking through un-wet waters. Four pairs of intent eyes in a two dimensional world. Vision faltering at the new intersection of all edges and dimensions.
The dry ocean spread forever as they rushed at the obelisk. Stark and un-holy it
stood, alone. A conical black base with a pointed white top, it pricked the Sky’s descending bottom. The cross completed with a massive Bear arm to one side and Snake’s body - rigid, except for the scorched head, pointed north - to Death.. Anaya and Miya writhed in agony as Wildryns poured out of Earth’s heart. Sensations, rocked by the fierce new winds of change, scraped turmoil from their souls against distant shadow edges.
They heard the faint notes of a whistle as a stream of wildryns soared out of the void. A sound of horse hooves clapping, and all they had was their vision.
Touch, smell and sound compressed out of sense. Light motes concentrated around the Altar and a shaping stood forth. Skin tones stared out palid, against the flat light. A glowing staff quavered in shaky hands. Ghostly blue eyes held a ready intent as Miya’s tortured voice scratched into their thoughts :
“ Kith ! Kith ... go , get away ...” Terrible screams filled their heads. Green blood flowed down the Cross, standing out against the black base. Kith’s will hardened and he responded : ì I am here Anaya, and I know the sacrifice.”

Owl and Earth linked with Wolf and Sky, circling around the grim scene. Flames reflected the faces in the stone, as Nebya’s black lips cracked. Dark words still holding anger : ì I will the portal free, Goddess of Shiny Lies. You broke the Nature of Things ... and now they all must die, die, die ... fool .”

Time ran out with Lorien’s words:
“ Sorry to disappoint you, trapped demon. Almost sorry to see an old foe so smitten. Don’t you see the forces of hope, re-aligning. There is not enough fear, of Shadows anymore. Nothing for you to feed from. You waited too long , or maybe you knew how quickly evil crassness would crumble once exposed ... you knew you would fail ... and so you waited hoping we would stumble into our own doom, our own pit. But they’re not afraid of themselves or their Prince anymore. Terrors shred away easily now that they have a vision worth fighting for. I am quite impressed with the humans.”

The last of the Wildryns flowed through the staff in Kith’s hands. Stretching on his tippy toes he reached the staff up to the dark crystal shaft, where Miya hung impaled. The shriveled root impressed out from the rock surface. The Anima Loci sang out for union and the ley lines spread and widened, crossing and locking into a web of safety. Anaya’s face beamed out from the stone at the center of the cross. In their minds they saw the elf, just the way she had come to them. Sensations flooded back from that night of three weeks past : the small campfire in the open meadow ; the vision of Lorien and then Anaya’s appearance.
They experienced the elf’s excitement and innocent joy when she first came to their circle. Joy at sharing intimacy with new friends - humans. The sparkle in her green eyes, as the forest defenders grasped their role as the Chosen. Sensate memories of those bright emotions that washed over Brione’s when she first accepted Anaya’s presence. They saw elves chained to a dying Earth by iron chains become human greed.

Shadow threw every trick and ill wish left in the world at the Owl of Lorien.
Only words bounced back at it :
"You vastly underestimate the subtle complexities of one who patterns all of biodiversity. Missing that, you could never conceive of all my safeguards. In humble appreciation, the humans are all gods now. They carry a piece of us within their unified hearts and honor it with simplicity. The many saviors, willingly accept even death - all bargains are void.”

Shadow sneered, but resignation took his fury and his face melted into the stone altar, mixing reluctantly with the balance.
All existence turned toward Kith. Strong hands slid surely, down the wildryn’s staff and embraced the cold mystery of the crystal shaft. In one, smooth motion he pulled it free from the stone. Miya’s eyes went wide, dazzled in terror and fateful certainty. Tears rained, happy and sad, seeking to touch each other. Sasha’s wish squeezed under the disappearing edges and joined with Hazel’s wishes. Flames of strength in love, bound truth to sacrifice and another will sought their audience.
Time sped up again in need of resolution. All things gathered swiftly toward the True Nature of Things: back to a time before Chaos snuck evil into Lorien’s wish that elves might live forever. The gap between Heaven and Earth slammed shut as Kith’s arm brought the Sword of Swords - the sharp edge of Nothingness - down through the Myth of Leaders and struck warm flesh. One word burned gaily from Miya’s eyes to his. Her maimed body fell slowly toward him as he bent down.
The imprint spread forcefully, tearing a part of the Ancient away from the Gods’ mistakes. Elves withered and turned to dust. Dust motes of Earth swirled up from the Altar, now become the Tree of Life. All things changed as that word
insisted so sincerely at them. Excess energy drained off from the Winds of War and sent fragments of the elven essence, screaming warnings and good-byes.
The Portal closed as glowing dust stood the Guard Eternal. Debts and obligations cancelled out as mutual forgiveness fashioned strong bonds.

Jarred clawed his way through the sharp edged fragments of lies and deceit. The last ball of lightning struck Bear’s dim outline and a final vision of Eald knocked him senseless. Awareness returned, in splatters, to him and he heard himself yelling :
ì Forgiveness ... forgiveness ...” as he clutched the edge of a chasm,
that he could never comprehend.
Gun shots and a booming explosion yanked him into clarity as a man walked forward carrying a bleeding woman in one arm. Kith’s fingers jerked, barely responding and a smoking sword clattered to the ground. Hollow vibrations ricocheted off the polished marble stone. Symbols hovered above them and the Will, the Word, and the Moment etched throughout reality. Forgiveness blossomed with the image of the eight petaled flower and Jarred followed the voice calling to him in the distance.

Views on Earth’s Condition
I sit here basking in a glorious sunny day. The only clouds are the turmoil in my mind. My will and desire offset the chaos of my anger and frustration. Images of our path push up from deep within me. But failing words, I find only tears. I try to accept that it’s normal to feel ineptness in the face of the Monster humans have created. A monster so huge it overwhelms my heart, soul, spirit, and mind. It is ëpure’ destructiveness. Shame consumes sadness and I know we will never be able to vote for the Earth, we have to act !
I have a burning desire to become a catalyst towards a new revolution. A revolution that refuses to follow the rules and regulations; morals and mores; of a society long corrupted by greed and power madness. We have to do whatever is necessary to make a revolution that is in tune with the ultimate power - the Universe. That Universe is our mother/father, brother/sister, our elders all converged as one. Follow the Law that is higher than any court or society: the law of unconditional love and the responsibility to act, beyond denial and selfishness.
I want to hold the destruction of our universe as a mirror reflecting the disgrace of the human soul. I want to hold each and every one of us accountable for that self-same destruction. I ask you to join me with your spirit and your body as we stand in the path of the Monster ñ the face of the ëwrong-doers,’ - and scream our answers. I want to become a force so strong, so loud, as to make it impossible to long be ignored. I want to be that voice which speaks out for all the beauty and importance that can not ëspeak’ in our language. All life, all creation has feelings ! May my tears speak for the Waters; my rage for all that grows; my actions for all things big and small. Defend against this deadly corruption of mankind. Make a difference - a huge one.

Powerful cannon shells exploded behind the crowd that gathered at the shoreline. Explosions of danger and fear spread, but found few takers.
Harrison nodded, as he looked at his men. The heavy artillery of Haymarket Militia answered with a blast of six shells. Smoke plumes dissipated with the sound waves and great fountains of water burst up out of the water, behind the largest ship. The closest boat, ran up a white flag and struck a mine. A great explosion rocked the boat, but no fires erupted.

The closest sailors saw a people united and they were awed with terror and admiration. Some soldiers saw a million angry bears. Some saw rows of Angels, filling the sky and wrapping them so tightly in love and forgiveness that they either died or thought only of surrender and union. A cheer went up from the crowd as a second small boat raised its white flag. People rushed to the water and many small boats and rafts set out to rescue the men who jumped overboard toward safety or madness. A large underwater explosion lifted the stern, of one of the large ships, up out of the water just as it fired another salvo towards the shoreline. The blast tilted the ship sending the warheads wildly off target and into the sand dunes. The damaged ship began to list dangerously and its guns silenced.
Harrison looked at Rod who gave the thumbs up and said : ì I’ve got the range zeroed pretty close, sir.” Harrison nodded solemnly and another six shots pounded away from the Haymarket battery. A missile launched from the remaining ship, but exploded harmlessly just above the deck.. Geysers spewed near the ship and three shells slammed into its bow. Fire erupted there and then another large underwater explosion ripped through the stern. Rudders and a giant propeller wrenched totally off the ship and sank quickly to the silty mud at the bottom of the bay.

Seven wetsuit clad Frog-Men jumped at ëhigh-fives,’ as a vision appeared over the waters : Kith and Miya stood with swords raised, their hair streaming behind them , as they faced the wall of shadows and hate. Jarred, Hazel, Sage, Sasha, Brione and Madrone, rode on perfect, white stallions. Hooves threw up water as the flames rose. Then a blinding flash of gunfire and the sound of mighty explosions roared into the stillness of a deeper understanding.
Defenders and ë would-of-been’ invaders’ shined faces upward at the fading image of a severed hand and the broken sword. They knew how close they had come to terrible mistakes, to the hesitation of the guilty. And they vowed to hold their clear awareness, to strive diligently for peace in shared simplicity. Silent vows stirred in many a heart: vows to all the brave martyrs, to all their Sheroes and Heroes. Some pondered heavy thoughts of how these young folk might have made great leaders, if only enough people had listened sooner. But few wanted to dwell on the past with so much work facing them. So, they looked around at each other, at neighbors and strangers hollering exultation and sharing open hugs. They looked with confidence and they saw how many new leaders there really were.
The guns stayed silent and fires burned out. The sun drifted lower in the hazy afternoon of Autumn’s end. Only a few smoky plumes marred the clear skies to the west as the last of the sailors found rescue. Meals found ravished bodies, and committees assumed their roles in the clean-up. The lightness of elven joy remained, though the elves no longer stood on Earth’s hallowed body. An easiness touched most people and events. Joy expressed in each flower’s useful beauty ... in all the little things in life, in simple, evident truths, in the precious chances they had nearly thrown away ... lost forever.

Truth will not be a casualty in this war. We see Nature’s Way - the Tuath De Dannan rise from the Earth and hold the truth to our being. Our skills yearn to apply themselves to peace, planting seeds, and liberating our long dormant quest for union with all things. Blunt compassion gives meaning to forgiveness. Never can we forget the martyrdom of the many species. Our sacrifice for life is no sacrifice. All things are beautiful, when the sadness releases you. Death is saddest only when you participate, blithely as a species which puts everything to death. Nothingness is death, waste is suicide, my death will become life.

Taryn and Aire reached the high ground where Harrison and the militia still stood ready, their guns only resting. Binoculars scanned and tea was served.
Aire and Harrison stood facing each other - two haggard faces, almost blank - like strangers come across each other, lost in the woods. Their questions held back, despite strong curiosity. They could wait to share glimpses of themselves and the meaning of the vision.
Taryn jumped up into Rod’s open arms and he swung her around in a tight embrace, overjoyed at seeing her OK and looking so ...well in control and still her undamaged self. A stooped figure approached in the tow of a small boy and they peered into the sun trying to tell who it might be. Taryn swung down out of Rod’s arms and looked at Harrison as she called out,
"Will ... you old fart, what happened to you ?”

The boy let go of his arm as they reached the others and Will leaned on
his single crutch, obviously a bit exhausted. from the steep climb.
He said to Taryn and Harrison :

"Hey, you two, I just wanna know if you all seen tail of Jarred or Hazel.
They left me for dead back at this ranch ... probably chasing after that reckless Sasha !” Aire looked at Rod and then back to Taryn, trying to piece his limited data together, in hopes of sorting out some of the who’s and what’s amid
the relative strangers that surrounded him.
" ... And how in holy hell did you get all this ordinance up here ?
Looks like Redwing gear.”

Taryn squeezed her commander’s hand and shrugged off her whimsical expression, saying :
ì"Oh, Will ... Will, Will, Will .. they’re all gone ... far, far away.
And Sasha ... well Will, we think he died saving them ... or stopping
the Shadow’s designs.” Several eyebrows raised on surprised faces, and
she added :
ìRumors do vary considerably !” Will shook Harrison’s hand, as Aire said :
ìMust be one of yours, from the search team ...”

Harrison nodded yes and sneeked a wink at Taryn.
Pain and sorrow took Will’s hazel eyes. Then they brightened just a little, as he decided he needed to think this all through some more. He said :
“Can’t we all go find a home-brew or some water from the new springs
I’s heard of ? I ain’t drinkin that damned herb tea for a spell, if I can help it.”
Eyes went around and Taryn thought it best they seek out a couple Healers first. ... and then, maybe .. if ... there’s no more reports of hostilities, then , well a round of fresh Herb-Brewskis might not be a bad remedy for sore bones

... sound sleep...

Everyone in their own way, cherished memories from that battle - the Battle in Defense of Local-Democratic-Autonomy ( the LDA Fight ) . The day most people united in Love and well directed vision ñ a day of willing sacrifice. It worked. A happy-fierocity controlled in common modesty and knowing well the course their intent would travel.
Heaven became the future they might yet secure. Hell, the past they barely escaped. They had tested Advantage’s Spin on Luck’s cruel edge; avoiding dead-ends and traps. Somehow fate steered through to safety ... well maybe.

Crazy auroras in the North Skies behind patterns in the lightning storms. Many storms, and soon ... snow - deeper than usual. Snow flurries to match their frenzied activity: canning and putting up. Constant reminders of their predicament and the flux they would work within ...

Some few wanted to believe the price had been paid. All things require renewal and the
Power of Action, to make them real and preserving. Vows of sanctity,
throbbed to beating drums and strong hearts. Fear, no challenge with
simple ceremonies celebrating changing seasons and cycles of life and death.

All the people, sang the chant, as the fields of war wished abandonment :
Just for this season we wish for no worries
Just for this season we wish for no anger
Just for this season we wish for gratitude
Just for this season we wish for trust, honest work, and respect
In the essentials we find Unity. In non-essentials we honor Liberty.
In all things we give-receive Charity.

Earth’s heart seeks the humans’ in the plan of Love and Light.

Samahain has passed us through the flames of the fire festival. Death leads us to the New Year and we need not chase the mystery in fear and clinging.

Pray to Neliumbium Luten, to the Promise of Spring - the Renewal beyond the White Cloak. May the Wicker Man’s ashes bear the Green Man’s resurrection.

Sing the stories till Kind Brigid wakes the hidden seeds of our Lady of the Flowers: Blodeuwedd. Fare thee well, all creatures and kind wishes.

Twisted ruins of steel and concrete reached around Taryn and Gabrielle, as they sat in the shelter of the remnants of the Russo River bridge. Down river they saw friends at their cookfires. Tarps and patchwork roofs lent some protection from the relentless rain, mixed with sleet. Taryn felt her young friend’s concern for their chances of surviving the harsh winter. Hands linked instinctively, and warmth flowed to them, from the presence of emanence deep below the Earth. Strength to endure the many winters, found them and they wished :
" Earth greening where it had been disturbed; lost species re-inhabiting niches; waves of healing to wash over the "Reefs of our Obsolete Baggage.” "
Wish waves rolled out, loudly and charmed the vibes of a desperate people.
Some looked up, startled, magically attuned to a sense of corn growing audibly on a warm summer day.
Waves of swirling colors wafted in a slight hesitation. Patterns urged back at the magical glass ring ñ a Gift of the Parting, they imagined - as a slender, tanned finger drew it to pursed lips. Taryn couldn’t hold back her giggle, as she glanced sidelong at Gabrielle. Her friend, spaced right through the Tourmaline and Diamond embedded ring of glass. And she knew where those thoughts landed. Focus went back to the patterns, as soon as, Gabrielle’s thoughts left her heart. But, Taryn saw the same feelings lingering in those brown eyes : feelings of longing, and eyes that ached for adventure. Not unlike her own, she thought. Excited miracles flashed between them, as did an almost excess of mischievous intent: that pull toward, stirring things up again to see if shadows still sought separation.
They both shrugged and said together:
"Should we tell them ?”

Taryn squeezed her hand as she released it to search through the backpack. Bringing out paper and pencil, she said :
" I’d like to send them a curious invitation, a dash of mystery and a hint at ... your feelings.”
"My feelings ?” spoke an only slightly surprised Gabrielle. "What about
those private thoughts I catch you tossing toward Rod-Man’s other son ... ?”

Taryn touched on that place, of her dream visit and the one time that she had hiked to the old grove, alone with Trinity.
Deft hands drew pictures and some of Hazel’s power symbols at the end of the invitation card. Gabrielle sang her spirit into the words and symbols as Taryn traced her finger over them again. Words mixed into tiny imprints :
ì Fill in the gaps in your dreams, passing pictures round. Enter the tales of your clan’s weaving ... live a common vision to cleave a path to new ways. Time in Time. Time for time.
I wish to seek what I can be: to know the art of lovers’ dreaming ñ autonomy in a tribal pattern. To be simple, and wisely careful in kind love to those we let drawn close to us. And - ëThe Land!’ Always the land first. Relating deeper with the nature of our habitat, until its wildness and needs are the same as each of ours. You will know proximity to the ëeasy path’ when sharing your magic ñ and the calling ñ happen naturally and truth pulls you on.
Remember how no one believed people could understand why we had to do crazy actions. Eyes belied questions. Even when Brione did the platform-sit on the powerlines over the canyon ñ and people loved it - doubts still flooded the leylines. We got lucky with the elections ... and the bridges. We never planned but a few of those. Problems solved dilemmas. We smashed the trinkets of sacrilidge and addictions smashed themselves. Our dreams promise blossoms, to greater honor our dead friends who sustained this chance.
Come and share your first dreams of Eald.
If you are true and offer the same gifts to the memory of the passing
of the Last Flower Woman - then Dear Souls of Our Desire: Enchantment
may find you whole in your readiness, for all the secrets that your own
true friends and your own desires wish to express.
Follow the leylines past Anaya’s Spring. ... We miss you.
Taryn and Gabrielle.
Skip lightly the wooded path. Lorien lives in each of our hearts...

Rod-man raised his eyebrows and looked at his sixteen year old son Trinity. The letter looked back at him and he could see Harrison’s excitement without looking. The suspicious look about his graying eyes said more about the fish he smelled than words tried:
“Well, Mr. Mayor - or Governor ? , you’ve been wanting to send someone out to check on those reports.”
Harrison glanced absently at Trinity and spoke in his well used officiality:

“ Yer son’s the one who reported hikers in the area and pilgrims at the springs who see the ghost of a giant Bear and an Owl that sees right through you until a heart threatens to pull out.”
The young man sat up straighter and quit chewing his lip as his hand ës habit brushed back along the white streak in his thick hair. Levelly he said:

"I have scouted out that area, just after the heavy snows in January. I didn’t see anything strange, but the neighbors seemed to be holding back ... the woods stood aloof, I thought they were silent, but I did hear pieces of a children’s chant. Or, I think I did ... maybe.”
Harrison nodded forward and started to speak. His mouth opened, as Trinity interrupted, his whole face expressing a decidedly dangerous hopefulness ...
ì Is that letter really from Taryn and Gabrielle ?”
The father and his closest living friend, rolled eyes in familiarity and laughed that deep belly laugh that either shook you or spit sweet tears. Faces blushed red and Harrison looked through the window pane. Snow flakes falling on the rock cliffs, highlighted thoughts of the times he and Madrone might of had. If only they had met sooner .. or gone away ... somewhere. He shook his head, as eyes blinked away moistures. That was already, long-ago and he had to move on, like the stones kept hinting to him.

on Apr 17, 2004
I think I was up in that tree with you once -- is your name tree-frog? I'm gypsy and i real loved the forest, the birds and the way we synced together out in the woods, hiding, digging and planning the great drama.

This totally sounds like you and like that time before I died - killed by a logger.