This site will post comments on the work in progress: "Devolving America: Elves, Forest Defenders and Options for Change
At End some on general Survival
Published on August 2, 2004 By Real Ecotopia In Fiction
Part two the Lorien Elves

There would be up to twenty thousand at each festival. After the Declaration of Interdependence was announced, Anaya promised miracles and we planned a few surprises of our own.

“The only big question- mark is the Militia .” mused Angela, who knew Hazel was in no good mood this morning. “ Do we have to talk about that ? Let’s wait until we here more from their command so far its just a few contacts with lower echelon officers, “ said Hazel as she looked out the side window of the delivery van they were driving to a new safe house. Angela was remembering Redwing a few years ago before everyone there went Militia and thousands came from all over the west. She hoped their zone of control was not too great and wished somehow that the land had not been abused. Hazel rested her head on her arm and thanked Earth that Angela quit talking about the rendezvous with the militia. She knew that they didn’t really need Militia support. But neutrality, separation... yes., that was crucial.

It’s fortunate that Hazel could rest not knowing that Rowan was bringing word of dark treachery and danger. Militia members from western outposts attended music festivals where Rowan and other Forest Defenders played and sang. Rowan’s voice and the magic gift from Anaya compelled some of them to come forward to tell their stories. And talk they did, with fear in their eyes and their bodies shaking. Tales and rumors of dissention within the officer corps of the militia. Some wishing to join the Forest Defenders in a loose alliance, others wishing no good. Several said they thought the old generals, the hard-line Christian fanatics, would soon assassinate our leaders and brutalize Forest People basecamps.

Rowan feared the worst and knew Hazel would be very disturbed. No one had heard a response to our request to meet with Militia Command. Red alert messages went out to forest people living near militia outposts. Tension was building, so many things could go wrong. Rowan checked out the window again hoping to see the van pulling up. Are any of us safe ? she wondered aloud.. She closed her eyes and wished as hard as she could that leaders of the militia would love their neighbors and do no harm unless they were attacked.

Jarred Smith looked older than his thirty years of life. Not an easy life with all the lumber mill closings and foreign competition driving down wages.. He believed the American Dream when he joined the Militia, but now . Now with all the chaos in the world about to lash out at everyone ... he wasn’t sure what he believed in anymore.

As he pulled on his newly issued hiking boots he had a strange feeling like he was waking up and some one was asking him: what will you do? Can you love your neighbors? “I just want security for my family and friends” the words just came out. Then he shook his head wondering why he was speaking out loud to himself.
Prosperity and possessions meant nothing anymore. He couldn’t stop thinking about General Swanson. How can people rant and rave about restoring the old days, the old ways, ways they would define for everyone else no doubt. Power . Power to control others, to control Nature and at what a cost!

Just then came a knock and the door opened as Sasha stuck his young face around the door and said quietly, “I hope I’m not a bother, are you ready to head down to camp ?” Jarred looked up at his fifteen year old roommate, “Sasha what should I do ? “
“About the younger men who want peace ? Well I know you’re tired of dogmas . and a compromise with Forest people is O.K. , so you are going to speak your mind tonight at the briefing. Right?” Sasha looked at him closely for the first time . Jarred looked like he didn’t sleep so well last night.

Jarred stood up to leave. He reached out to Sasha and held him by the shoulder saying “ Either way we will be putting everyone at risk . After the meeting tonight we have to be careful. Anything could happen. You hear me, keep alert and if we get split up, you go back to the farm and find Dave and Will. No arguments , please Sasha I can’t stand thinking something will happen to you.”

Sasha looked into Jarred’s eyes seeing the love from this strangers heart and remembering all the things Jarred had done for him since Sasha’s mother died. “Don’t worry about me,” said Sasha, “just be sure what you want, and don’t lose your resolve. You always tell me ‘stick to your guns boy’ and ‘don’t back down from a bully.” “Come on we’ll be late” and Sasha was pulling him out the door and down the trail.

Walking down the steep trail Jarred thought about the forest creature, part elf part tree that worried his dreams lately. The words in the dream were like Sasha’s words: “Your strength shall be tested... stand for what you believe in or else.” He shrugged wondering if some madness were coming over him. Visions of his friends and young forest people dead in a snowy forest flitted through his mind as he tried to think through what he would say tonight.

Sasha saw the young boy crossing the hill toward them . “Hi Trevor, “ he called quietly. Trevor nodded his head to Jarred and whispered in Sasha’s ear, then he was off and running wildly down the steepest part of the trail. “Your own network , eh Sasha?” said Jarred. “ Everything is normal Trevor says, the young officers are all coming,” Sasha lowered his voice to a whisper as they turned the corner by the Field Headquarters’ tent.

Jarred’s spirits rose finally as he saw several of his friends talking casually and laughing at some new joke. Jarred approached them saying hellos as more people arrived. They went inside the tent to the meeting area where Garth Linborn was bragging to the general, “ha! they aren’t the only ones with spies. Money will...” Jarred was hoping Garth would keep blabbering, but the General rose as the officer corps entered and greetings went around the room.

“Let’s begin this meeting with your reports. Outposts first, then urban. “ General Swanson yelled in his typical gruff manner. He looked bored or maybe disgusted with some of them. Jarred listened as reports were given about activities around the outposts, mining operations, and how people felt. He noticed the General’s cheek twitch the second time someone mentioned peace and how much most people needed more time for crops and firewood and less for patrolling and such,

Jarred gave the final report : “At Haymarket things go well, the population has doubled this year , people are adjusting to the newcomers, but another wave of refugees would overwhelm us. I’d like to hear more intelligence reports from the south, food riots in major cities have been reported. “ the general was waving him to get on with it. “ We’re trading a lot with organic farmers in Lorien. Their seeds for our home-brew, “ a few smiles spread around the room . “Life is pleasant, if we work hard and keep the peace, we might make it even with more refugees. God forbid. I have to tell you that there are many different groups and different viewpoints in the Hayfork region, but all of us and many in this room have a common wish . Yes a wish, For no involvement with the Feds, no violence, and observe the logging moratorium,, for now at least. “ The General was clearly irritated Garth and Lt. General Fox looked about to start yelling,, Jarred finished saying,” Most people accept the lack of electricity, caused by the eco-commandos, but power won’t be reliable much longer anyway, The time has come to talk to the Forest Defenders, see if working with them can further our cause. “ The last few words were drowned out as the murmuring turned to an uproar and Fox yelled at Jarred,” You punk traitor are you a pot head or just chicken ? The General’s got a better plan.” The General pulled on Fox’s arm as Nat, Jarred’s friend from Scott River stepped forward toward Fox saying, “I respect the forest defenders more than those yuppies in the city, they live simple, some out in the wilds, all close to the land. Some even hunt. They’re no threat to us.. They’ll be busy dealing with refugees that we drive away. There’s forty-thousand people traveling up the coast for some kind of music festivals. What are you afraid of Fox, and you. “ he turned toward Garth who was about to jump at Nat. Garth froze just before General Swanson’s hand reached his arm. He stared at Jarred who was covering up his knife with his jacket. Garth spit at Nat who yelled out as his friends dragged him away, ”you’re just afraid your other daughter will run off with another Forest freak.”

Jarred saw the look on Swanson’s face... The general knew he would lose here, right now if he pushed too far. But there was also the hint of the evil in his face, the evil which drove him to the plots he was even now hatching . Power, and the ability to use it. Even the best can lose their hearts with too much power. Swanson and his crowd, they sold their hearts for nothing, long ago. All they have left is obsessions with the past, and a lust to conquer fears that originate in the hate and insecurity that is at the basis of their identity :the Great White Male Good sitting in judgment and granting his chosen manifest destiny to conquer the worlds of man and animal, plants and rock.

The General hammered the gavel, called everyone to order. “I want full reports from everyone on these issues. It’s important. Morale and consensus are too important to overlook. We may be going to war whether we like it or not. Jarred was right about one thing,, sporadic rioting has occurred in many places and major train attacks have shut down food shipments to the north. It’s getting harder to tell who is on which side.” He looked sharply at Jarred for a moment before his final words,” We will meet with the Forest Defenders , Jarred. A wise soldier always listens,, Information is valuable. This meeting is adjourned.”

Later that night Garth and Fox entered Swanson’s cabin. The old general was lighting up a prized cigar, probably reminiscing about the Third Gulf War, and the bombing of Cairo. Ruthless and usually in control, tonight he was unsure and worried. Garth poured himself some Bourbon and checked the doors and windows before he sat down by the General’s desk.

Swanson glared out at his two closest companions. Loyal if a bit dumb and hot tempered at times. They would get the job done this time all right. He addressed them quietly motioning them to lean closer, no longer trusting secret ears except perhaps in his own compound near Redwing, “Garth you take your squads and take out Nat and as many Scott River people as you can. Lure the Forest Defenders up there and make it look light they caused it. I’m taking my guard with me we’ve got a stop to make on the way back to the compound.”

No words were necessary, they knew their missions and that the stakes were high.

Hazel looked at Rowan. Her young friend theses past four years. Years of dangers and being a family together, a warrior tribe. Now so much rested on Rowan’s shoulders or her voice actually. She must be tired from the weeks of travel and performing. “Of course we’re safe, the drive was normal. A few black helicopters in the distance, but no checkpoint on the pass. I think they pulled out of Redwood Peak, since the towers are destroyed.” Hazel knew her friend. There was something she was holding back she hugged Rowan and rubbed her shoulders. “Tell me what news you have from the festival goers, have you seen Aire, or Madrone?” Rowan picked up her guitar “Shall we play a song first?” she offered. “Tell me everthing now, come on your usually not like this,” said Hazel trying to catch Rowan’s eyes.

Rowan made a face and said” All right, we’ve heard from the Militia. The meeting is near Redwing at a place we’re familiar with.” Hazel was suprised ,”In their stronghold? I still don’t think I’m the right person for this. Where’s Anaya? “ “No one knows ,” Rowan and Sierra both said. “But you know it has to happen like we felt it, that night.” Rowan took a deep breath, “We are the Chosen. We can’t deny it, any of it, we have roles to do. I don’t want you to go, but I have to believe you can pull it off. Think of all the things we’ve done together Hazel-Nut!”

Hazel sat down by the fireplace, suddenly feeling events and responsibilities bearing down on them and her. It reminded her of the early days. Feeling foolish and wondering if they were going to get hurt doing some stunt, trying to save a few trees, Wondering if there was some better way some way to get people to see how foolish they were and the consequences of actions. Rowan started to play the guitar and Sierra put another log on the fire. Hazel looked away from the fire and asked Rowan. “When do we leave ?” Rowan rolled her eyes up a little and whispered, “Tonight, in a few hours, get some rest. I’ll pack up some things and get us ready, It’s going to be a long trip.”

Dust haze clouded the view, a warm wind blew up from the river valley below. Oak leaves crackled loudly as a heavy boot approached behind her. Something was wrong. Her friends were near, but others. She wanted to turn around and confront whatever it was. He laughed, disdainfully, so sure. She was frozen, too afraid to move. Run he said, join the shadows. I’ll have your heart for a wish, and then... The sound was like the wind wooshing and time stretched as she saw the feathers,, the shaft,, the tip off the arrow. Blood on the snow, a drop on an oak leaf.

Hazel waked with a start and settled back as Rowan patted her shoulder. “I’m O.K., “said Hazel,” only a dream I think, I thought it was Anaya. but he just laughed.” “Sshh, hush’” whispered Rowan, “Cover up and rest a bit more .”

“Dammit, a roadblock. Slow down Sasha ,” yelled Jarred as he pushed the cellphone numbers. “Hello, Zebra Dog.” This is Jarred 4217, Code Red raodblock at Kama River, speed up the chopper, out,” They pulled up to the barricade, stopping as two armed soldiers with unmarked uniforms started to walk toward them.. Jarred leaned out the back window holding his I.D. and telling the soldier , “Open the gate there soldier, I’m Jarred Smith, Mayor of Haystack . I’ve important Militia business upriver.”

Sasha saw the gun barrel poking out the window as he felt the wish flowing through his body and soul.. The driver steepped on the gas and the car leaped forward as machinegun fire spit out of several guns aimed at them. The guard in the backseat next to Jarred managed to get his weapon firing into the guard house as they smashed into the gate. Sasha ducked down on the floor boards as an explosion lifted the car sideways flipping it over the barricade onto another vehicle. He felt himself slipping into darkness when Jarred’s voice disturbed his drifting consciousness, “ Come on. God. You’re covered in blood.” Sasha tottereed a bit and checked his bruised body:”I’m O.K., it’s our friends blood.” Shots rang in the dirt around them ass Jarred yanked him toward a barn-like structure. Sasha still felt weak and dizzy, but he cleared his mind and wished them away from there as hard and earnestly as he ever remembered wanting anything.

They crashed through the door ass more bullets sent slivers of wood flying around them. Jasrred managed to shoot one of the snipers, but they both knew they wouldn’t last long if many of the soldiers were still alive. Sasha and Jarred both turned as the clumping sound echoed off the back wall . Sasha went to peek through the craks in the old boards. “Horses ,” he motioned to Jarred to come.


The GREEN WAY :Hope in Resistance, Survival in Community

The millennium approaches quickly. Global warming induced crop failures and widespread famine are imminent. Social and economic collapse is a fact of life with civil chaos about to explode. The YK2 Millennium Bug threatens to speed up the convergence of theses crises. By the Summer of 2000 or 2001, many of us may find ourselves heading out of burning , hopeless cities in search of food or security. Wherever you are it will be a struggle for survival and a struggle for decency and humanity.

This booklet makes available basic information on surviving through the different stages of some likely Apocalyptic scenarios. Prepare for the worst you can imagine, butt know howw to function in less severe scenarios.

Water is giveen priority because it is the most vital basic need after safety.. Water is easy to acquire once you are informed and water may be a problem for both urban people when the electric pumps quit working and for rural people where overdrawing of supplies or contamination by campers and refugeescreates supply and health hazards.

- WATER : Sources: Lakes

Human wastes

FOOD: Southwest: Gathering: Jojoba nuts, Mesquite pods, Aaaamaranth/pigweed, Yuccas, Prickly Pear,, Sahuaro fruit, Lamb’s Quarter,
Growing: Permaculture, Panic grass, beanss,

Hunting: Deer, snakes, mice, cattle, javelina

Havasupai stuff: Havasupai used many plants to make breads, corn dishes, dumplings, drinkss,, meal, seed butter and soups.
Baked breads were made from a variety off wild seed and from corn. Graaain was not parched for most breads but was coarsely ground on grinding stones. Warm water and pinches of salt were added and the dough made into flast cakes.
Acaaia bread: from seeds of the Catclaw plant which are usually large and hard. Parched before grinding and prepared with water and salt into dough.

Baaked Corn Bread: Made with dried or green corn, sometimes was added.. a little wheat flour, and baking powder.

Sunflower cakes: Seeds are quite oily. They were groundd, mede into smqall cakes and baked for a short

Tamales: Unparched corn was finely ground added to boiling salted water, stirred until it thickened and kneaded. Portions were rolled in corn husk, ends folded and tied. Ten boil fro fifteen to twenty minutes.

berries, ACORNS, SHELLFISH, NET FISHING, MUSHROOMS, SLUGS ?,SEAWEED, SORREL, ROOTS, SALAL blackberries, salmno berries, thimble berriies.

Steaking food : Warehouise, trains, trucks

Food Storage

Food preservation

1>Water purification materials, 22. Pumps/generwtors, Bullets (223, 270, 30-06), Weapons, seeds, herbs, protein (Dried meatt or nuts), Vitamin C and dried fruit, Bow saws, mauls/sledge hammerss, food preservation and canning stuff

SHELTER: Log cabins, caves, teepees, Tarp homes, straw bale, cob/mud wattle, straw pillow, squatting (renovating).

Warmth: wood, hot water boiler, solar, insilation, hot wter bottles and wrmed steel.

Defense: personal, community, isolation, looters, military,/martial law, infrastructure, refugees, alliances


The GREEN WAY :Hope in Resistance, Survival in Community

The millennium approaches quickly. Global warming induced crop failures and widespread famine are imminent. Social and economic collapse is a fact of life with civil chaos about to explode. The YK2 Millennium Bug threatens to speed up the convergence of theses crises. By the Summer of 2000 or 2001, many of us may find ourselves heading out of burning , hopeless cities in search of food or security. Wherever you are it will be a struggle for survival and a struggle for decency and humanity.

This booklet makes available basic information on surviving through the different stages of some likely Apocalyptic scenarios. Prepare for the worst, but know how to function and react to less severe scenarios.

Food: Gathering, Hunting , quick gardens, herding, stealing, trading.

Shelter: Ssquats, Straw-bale, Tarps, Tents,

Defense; hidding, friends, community, isolation, proactive, weapons

Warmth: stoves, straw pillows, water heating

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